Program Focus: movement, health, improving swim skills and overall fitness

Dates: 6/11, 6/13, 6/18, 6/20, 6/25, 6/27, 7/2, 7/3***this is a Wednesday***, 7/9, 7/11
Start- week of 6/10
End- week of 7/8
Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 6:30am-7:30am

Workout Options:
-coached workouts
-coaching on strokes/turns/starts/breathing
-swim laps independently
-use provided workouts without coaching

Cost: $50 (for 5 weeks) or drop in rate of $8
Pay: Venmo @EricaStanley5 or cash

Coached by Coach Erica Stanley

This is a program designed with busy Summer schedules in mind.
Come as your schedule allows it; both mornings, once a week or just as you can make it work.
See you in the pool!